About Me

I've never not aced it in school / compliance. But what I didn't do was try to make money from a young age. To me that is what you do when you can't work out what it is you really love "regardless of the money".
That doesn't make me special, but then, some would argue "there is no true identicality" and others would argue "there is no true uniqueness". Somewhere in the borders between worlds, we live.
"To be, or not to be, that is the question."
To do or not to do, that is my answer.
And as an aside, when you plug that quote into a search engine you get more identical results than any other query. And yet none seem to have answered the question.
And yet, is it better or worse for mental health when people are now more likely to kill themselves than to kill others.
Similarly, as we (morally) 'progress' into the future, ask yourself this: do we become more accepting of things that were once wrong, or do we declare more things wrong that were once acceptable.
And it is that (moral) dilemma that epitomises (moral) dilemmas. Instead we focus on trilemmas like "security" "scalability" or "decentralisation" (cryptocurrencies), or "quality" "costly" and "speed" (business/consumer-product).
So that brings me to the concept of an infilemma. Infinite categorical distinctions with which we can only have one less.
See how I'm following my own golden rule

Contact Details

Jack Don McLovin
2/60 Buckley St
Essendon, VIC 3040 AUS




Built Businesses that Build Businesses and got Headhunted Current

I designed an enterprise scale dictionary database and webforum, paying creators via their consumers, allowing you to create legal terms, legislation, and most importantly an incentive to ascend to greater heights of secrecy.

University of Tasmania

Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering (Honours in Machine Learning) April 2017

Human Physiology, Plant and Animal Biology, Genetics, Electrical, Electronics, Project Management, Dynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Mechanics, Statics, Statistics, Calculus, Chemistry, Signals and Linear Systems, Physics, Process Control


Aerobotics Global

Software Engineer and Robotics Educator November 2022 - Current

Building Cross Platform Applications from package research, to compatibility testing, development, removing vulnerabilities, UI updates, backwards compatibility, and writing code that writes code that writes code.

Glocal - Map-based news agregation

Lead Designer August 2019 - September 2020

Enterprise scale automated-pdf-generation, management, hosting and distribution for high-scale journalism and document tracking. The founder had worked on Manufacturing Consent with Noam Chomsky.


Everything comes from language, from there symbolisms constructs maths, and education passes linguistic insights on. Engineering and software require things like industrial scale mass manufacturing production lines, whereas I was moreso trained as a biomedical engineer. And history... all I ever do is argue against the interpretation of it.

  • Mathematics
  • Software
  • Engineering
  • Linguistics
  • Education
  • History

I knew you'd be here.


Coded language is where we speak with layers upon layers of meaning. Ascento-secrecy is where we aim to accelerate through it. If you haven't tried thinking outside of the box, then wait till you hear about this.

    Step one: Never believe what you read or hear or think or know.
    Step two: Take the closest example of language near you and apply the ascento-secrecy principle.
    Step three: "Thinking outside the box" becomes "listening outside the square".
    Step four: Rinse and repeat, baby, that's how we grow.
    Forever step: join me on BabylonPolice.com so you can see what I mean, and we can mean to see.

Client Testimonials

  • I really value our early day Glocal discussions. You brought deep and original perspectives each time. Those were great moments... You're hands down one of the most talented people I have ever met.

    David Taube
  • I was tested to have an IQ of 160, but I think your's is higher. (ex-politician, councilman, owned many businesses, and was my mentor during years 11-12).

    Martin McManus
  • just know that you have attained the status in my mind as the face of enlightened Australia


    Sources: Quote, Quote

  • The two areas you excel are education and intelligence, they are your strong points

    My Psychiatrist

    Sources: My Tribe

Get In Touch.

Wether you'd like to discuss something of interest, or working together, or investments, international currencies, legislation, language, mathematics, science, history... Maybe join me at Class A - Education

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